A Few of My Favourite Things: Winter Edition

>> Thursday, December 16, 2010

1. The first snowfall

My Sweet Baboo enjoying the first snow of the year.

2. Baking yummy treats

3. Holiday speciality drinks at Coffeeshops

4. Feeling warm and cozy after coming inside from a brisk winter walk

(Photo courtesy of As Seen on TV)

5. Buying and making gifts for friends and family

6. Getting holiday cards

7. Christmas music on the radio

8. Wrapping presents while watching cheesy Christmas specials

9.  Looking at lights while driving around

10. The anticipation of the look on your toddler's face when he wanders out in the morning and sees all the colourful boxes.

Been busy! More to come!


Eileen December 16, 2010 at 6:30 PM  

Snow + cookies + warm drink = awesome :-)

KeLLy aNN December 19, 2010 at 12:00 PM  

Are you sure you aren't my long lost sister?
I would say my list is Identical!


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