The Pumpkin Patch Was Bliss

>> Wednesday, October 6, 2010

We went to the pumpkin patch. It was so much fun. Just when I think that having a toddler is about to make me pull my hair out, I get a day like that, and it reminds me how great this age can be. Sure, the screaming fits in stores are no fun. The demanding to watch Muppets  music videos all the live-lone day can grate the nerves. And I could definitely do without the screaming any time the Hubbs and I are paying attention to each other instead of him.

But the pumpkin patch was bliss. If I could move to that farm, I would.

We made animal friends. (And said the word "dog" for the first time!)

We climbed on the hay jump.

We took a hayride.

We picked pumpkins.

We drank delicious apple cider. The hot mulled kind for the Hubbs and I, the cold refreshing kind for Our Sweet Baboo. We also may have picked up a bottle of sparkling cider to drink with Thanksgiving dinner.

Barrels, and tractors and trikes, oh my!

Last year our three month old spent the day snuggling against us in the baby sling. This year we couldn't stop him from exploring every nook and cranny of that farm. I can hardly wait for next year, and two year old adventurous goodness. I think I've found my new favourite family tradition.


Anonymous October 14, 2010 at 1:26 AM  

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The Psycho Mama January 2, 2011 at 5:53 AM  

Thank you so much for your comments! I hope I don't disappoint you too much with my lack of updating lol.

KeLLy aNN January 5, 2011 at 6:35 AM  

You can NEVER have too much Muppets!!
I love that whole pumpkin patch/christmas tree farm family day thing.
And it's such great memories for the whole family.


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